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Microbiology Final Exams Study Guide PDF

The Microbiology Final Exams Study Guide (Microbiology MCQ PDF e-Book) download to study microbiology online courses. Practice Antiviral Drugs Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Microbiology quiz answers PDF to learn distance learning courses. The Microbiology Final Exams Study Guide App Download: Free learning app for microbiology basic concepts quiz questions and answers, bsc microbiology entrance exam 2017 sample questions, microbiology essay questions and answers for students, common interview questions for microbiology students test prep for free online college classes.

The MCQ: Protease of hepatitis C virus is inhibited by telaprevir,simeprevir and; "Microbiology Final Exams Study Guide" App Download (Free) with answers: Sofosbuvir; Relenza; Steroids; Boceprevir; to learn distance learning courses. Study Microbiology Final Exams Study Guide FAQs, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online bachelor degree programs.

Microbiology MCQs: Microbiology Final Exams Study Guide PDF Download

MCQ 1:

The protease of hepatitis C virus is inhibited by telaprevir,simeprevir and

  1. Sofosbuvir
  2. Relenza
  3. Steroids
  4. Boceprevir
MCQ 2:

Cidofovir is drug is drug use for the treatment of severe papilomavirus infection ,but its major side effect is

  1. Brain infection
  2. Kidney damage
  3. Heart failure
  4. Skin disease
MCQ 3:

The neuraminidase of influenza virus is inhibited by

  1. Relenza
  2. Relenza and Tamiflu
  3. Tamiflu
  4. Synagis
MCQ 4:

Emtricitabine is derivative of

  1. Acyclovir
  2. Amantadine
  3. Steroids
  4. Emtricitabine
MCQ 5:

The drug used for the treatment of chronic and acute HCV infection is

  1. Adefovir
  2. Sofosbuvir
  3. Acyclovir
  4. Amantadine

Practice Tests: Microbiology Exam Prep

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Microbiology Final Exams Study Guide App (Android & iOS)

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