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General Knowledge Practice Test 12

International Affairs General Knowledge Quizzes PDF Download - 12

The International Affairs General Knowledge Quizzes (General Knowledge Trivia PDF e-Book), download test 12 to practice general knowledge online career tests. Solve General Knowledge MCQ questions, International Affairs General Knowledge Quizzes Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn online training courses. The "International Affairs General Knowledge Quizzes" App: Free download certification App for test your kids - general knowledge mcqs, general knowledge mcqs with answers 2017, international affairs general knowledge quizzes test prep for easy enrollment online colleges.

The Quiz: Which city is known as city of 1000 Minarets; "International Affairs General Knowledge Quizzes" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Cairo; Berlin; Algeria; Bangkok; for easy enrollment online colleges. Learn general knowledge questions and answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for questions to ask in an interview.

General Knowledge Quiz Online: International Affairs General Knowledge Quizzes PDF Download - 12

MCQ 56:

Which city is known as the city of 1000 Minarets?

  1. Berlin
  2. Cairo
  3. Algeria
  4. Bangkok
MCQ 57:

The Sinai Peninsula is located in

  1. Egypt
  2. France
  3. Switzerland
  4. Algeria
MCQ 58:

The penne palace, a UNESCO world heritage site is located in

  1. Italy
  2. Portugal
  3. Turkey
  4. Bangkok
MCQ 59:

Deepest point in the world is

  1. Red Sea
  2. North Pole
  3. Mariana trench
  4. Arabian Peninsula
MCQ 60:

The depth of Mariana trench is

  1. 12,213 meters
  2. 14,625 meters
  3. 10,541 meters
  4. 10,911 meters

Career Tests: General Knowledge Course Prep

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International Affairs General Knowledge Quizzes App (Android & iOS)

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