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Test Your General Knowledge Quiz PDF

The Test Your General Knowledge Quiz (General Knowledge MCQ PDF e-Book) download to study general knowledge online courses. Practice Famous Painting of Pablo Picasso Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), General Knowledge quiz answers PDF for computer science bachelor degrees. The Test Your General Knowledge Quiz App Download: Free learning app for test your general knowledge online, general knowledge current affairs, science and technology quiz questions and answers 2017, test your kids - general knowledge mcqs test prep for online assessment test for jobs.

The MCQ: Which one of following was most famous painting of Pablo Picasso; "Test Your General Knowledge Quiz" App Download (Free) with answers: Guermica; Mona Lisa; Last judgement; Science fiction; for computer science bachelor degrees. Study Test Your General Knowledge Quiz FAQs, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for free career quiz.

General Knowledge MCQs: Test Your General Knowledge Quiz PDF Download

MCQ 1:

Which one of the following was the most famous painting of Pablo Picasso?

  1. Guermica
  2. Mona Lisa
  3. Last judgement
  4. Science fiction
MCQ 2:

The Bridge in Istanbul, Turkey that connects Asia and Europe is called

  1. Golden Gate Bridge
  2. Sydney Harbour Bridge
  3. Bosporus Bridge
  4. Gateshead Millennium Bridge
MCQ 3:

Red blood corpuscles are formed in

  1. liver
  2. stomach
  3. heart
  4. bone marrow
MCQ 4:

Which one of the following is the biggest delta in the world?

  1. Ganges delta
  2. Mississippi Delta
  3. ganges and the brahmaputra delta
  4. yellow river delta
MCQ 5:

Which one of the following is the largest ocean in the world?

  1. arctic ocean
  2. pacific ocean
  3. indian ocean
  4. antarctic ocean

Practice Tests: General Knowledge Exam Prep

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Test Your General Knowledge Quiz App (Android & iOS)

General Knowledge App (Android & iOS)

General Knowledge App (iOS & Android)

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Mechanics of Materials App (Android & iOS)

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