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General Knowledge Certification Exam Tests

General Knowledge Practice Test 11

Test Your Knowledge - General Knowledge PDF Download - 11

The Test Your Knowledge - General Knowledge (General Knowledge MCQs PDF e-Book), download test 11 to practice general knowledge placement tests. Practice General Knowledge MCQ trivia questions, Test Your Knowledge - General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online information technology certification. The "Test Your Knowledge - General Knowledge" App: Free download educational App for gk and most important questions - general knowledge questions, classic mix of general knowledge questions, test your knowledge - general knowledge test prep for easy enrollment online colleges.

The MCQs: Alexandria is city of; "Test Your Knowledge - General Knowledge" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Egypt; Italy; Portugal; Turkey; for online information technology certification. Solve general knowledge questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for tricky trivia questions.

General Knowledge MCQ: Test Your Knowledge - General Knowledge PDF Download - 11

MCQ 51:

Alexandria is city of

  1. Italy
  2. Egypt
  3. Portugal
  4. Turkey
MCQ 52:

The World wide web was invented by

  1. Tim Berners-Lee
  2. Venus Williams
  3. Roger Federer
  4. Bill Gates
MCQ 53:

The Book "Emile" or "On Education" was written by

  1. Rousseau
  2. William Shakespeare
  3. Agatha Christie
  4. Jane Austen
MCQ 54:

The oldest of the ancient seven wonders of the world, the Great pyramid of Giza, is located in

  1. Egypt
  2. Italy
  3. Germany
  4. Turkey
MCQ 55:

Lake Lucerne that has complicated shape with several sharp bends and four arms is located in

  1. Italy
  2. France
  3. Switzerland
  4. Belgium

Career Tests: General Knowledge Course Prep

Test Your Knowledge - General Knowledge Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Test Your Knowledge - General Knowledge App (Android & iOS)

Test Your Knowledge - General Knowledge App (Android & iOS)

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