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General Knowledge about Science PDF

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General Knowledge MCQs: General Knowledge about Science PDF Download

MCQ 1:

First woman Prime Minister of Britain was

  1. Stanley Baldwin
  2. Henry Pelham
  3. Margaret Thatcher
  4. Anneli Milton
MCQ 2:

Which one of the following countries is known as the sugar bowl of the world?

  1. Italy
  2. America
  3. London
  4. Cuba
MCQ 3:

Which instrument is used to measure blood pressure?

  1. thermometer
  2. sphygmomanometer
  3. ombrometer
  4. glucose meter
MCQ 4:

Which one of the following is known as most useful tree?

  1. mango
  2. banana
  3. teak
  4. apple
MCQ 5:

Who discovered the Silicon?

  1. Robert Wilhelm Bunsen
  2. Gaustav Robert Kirchhoff
  3. Jons Jakob Berzelius
  4. Richard Trevithick

Practice Tests: General Knowledge Exam Prep

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General Knowledge about Science App (Android & iOS)

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