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Engineering Mathematics Certification Exam Tests

Engineering Mathematics Practice Test 11

Engineering Math Competitive Exams Preparation Guide PDF Download - 11

The Engineering Math Competitive Exams Preparation Guide (Engineering Mathematics MCQs PDF e-Book), download test 11 to practice engineering mathematics placement tests. Practice Engineering Mathematics MCQ trivia questions, Engineering Math Competitive Exams Preparation Guide Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study software engineering courses. The "Engineering Math Competitive Exams Preparation Guide" App: Free download educational App for higher level mathematics practice problems with solutions, objective mathematics questions for competitive exams, engineering math competitive exams preparation guide test prep for university entrance exam.

The MCQ Quiz: If in a real square matrix A, transpose of A gives negative of A , matrix is called; "Engineering Math Competitive Exams Preparation Guide" App (Android & iOS) with answers: Orthogonal; Symmetric; Skew symmetric; Identity; to study software engineering courses. Solve engineering mathematics questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online engineering programs.

Engineering Mathematics MCQ: Engineering Math Competitive Exams Preparation Guide PDF Download - 11

MCQ 51:

If in a real square matrix A, transpose of A gives the negative of A , matrix is called

  1. symmetric
  2. orthogonal
  3. skew symmetric
  4. identity
MCQ 52:

An ODE combined with conditions that the solution must satisfy at various points is called

  1. initial value problem
  2. boundary value problem
  3. final value problem
  4. no value problem
MCQ 53:

The computation and study of Fourier series is known as

  1. Linear analysis
  2. Harmonic analysis
  3. Homogeneous analysis
  4. Symmetric analysis
MCQ 54:

In Laplace transform, given ODE is transformed into an algebraic equation called

  1. linear equation
  2. subsidiary equation
  3. random equation
  4. exponential equation
MCQ 55:

Volume integral is also called

  1. curvilinear integral
  2. triple integral
  3. double integral
  4. line integral

Career Tests: Engineering Mathematics Course Prep

Engineering Math Competitive Exams Preparation Guide Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Engineering Math Competitive Exams Preparation Guide App (Android & iOS)

Engineering Math Competitive Exams Preparation Guide App (Android & iOS)

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