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Engineering Physics Practice Test 90

Sound Waves MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 90

The Sound Waves Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Sound Waves MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 18-90 to solve Engineering Physics Practice Tests. Study Longitudinal Waves quiz answers PDF, Sound Waves Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online school programs. The Sound Waves MCQs App Download: Free educational app for density, germanium, collision and impulse, equatorial diameter of planets, sound waves test prep for online colleges enrolling.

The MCQs: Surfaces over which oscillations due to sound wave have the same values are called; "Sound Waves" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Rays; Wavefronts; Sound surface; Bulk surface; for online school programs. Practice Longitudinal Waves Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online career assessment.

Sound Waves MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 90

MCQ 446:

Surfaces over which oscillations due to sound wave have the same values are called

  1. wavefronts
  2. rays
  3. sound surface
  4. bulk surface
MCQ 447:

Equatorial diameter of Uranus is

  1. 51800 Km
  2. 6790 Km
  3. 12100 Km
  4. 450 Km
MCQ 448:

If body goes a series of identical repeated collisions, where n is number of particles that collides and p is momentum, then impulse is equals to

  1. np
  2. ndp/dt
  3. −ndp/dt
  4. 2n+dp/dt
MCQ 449:

Density of Germanium at 20° C is

  1. 72.59 g/cm3
  2. 12.59 g/cm3
  3. 6.691 g/cm3
  4. 3.691 g/cm3
MCQ 450:

Neutron star core has density equals to

  1. 2.8x103 kg/m3
  2. 3x1017 kg/m3
  3. 1x1018 kg/m3
  4. 1.6x105 kg/m3

Engineering Physics Exam Prep Tests

Sound Waves Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Sound Waves App (Android & iOS)

Sound Waves App (Android & iOS)

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