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Engineering Physics Practice Test 40

Temperature and Heat Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 40

The Temperature and Heat MCQ with Answers PDF (Temperature and Heat Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 11-40 to prepare Engineering Physics Practice Tests. Learn First Law of Thermodynamics Test PDF, Temperature and Heat Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for grad school interview questions. The Temperature and Heat MCQ App Download: Free certification app for capacitor with dielectric, rotational variables, reflection and refraction, boiling points, temperature and heat test prep to study e-learning courses.

The MCQ: British thermal unit was defined as amount of heat that would raise the temperature of 1lb to; "Temperature and Heat" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: 63°F to 64°F; 2°F to 5°F; 0°F to 64°F; 1°F to 64°F; for grad school interview questions. Practice First Law of Thermodynamics Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for tricky trivia questions.

Temperature and Heat MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 40

MCQ 196:

British thermal unit was defined as amount of heat that would raise the temperature of 1lb to

  1. 2°F to 5°F
  2. 63°F to 64°F
  3. 0°F to 64°F
  4. 1°F to 64°F
MCQ 197:

2900°C is boiling point of

  1. Argon
  2. Cobalt
  3. Calcium
  4. Selenium
MCQ 198:

Law which states that refracted ray lies in the plane of incidence and has an angle of refraction related to angle of incidence, is termed as

  1. law of reflection
  2. law of incidence
  3. law of refraction
  4. law of attenuation
MCQ 199:

Change in angular velocity that occurs during the interval dt is termed as

  1. angular acceleration
  2. angular displacement
  3. linear displacement
  4. transnational acceleration
MCQ 200:

Dielectric constant of paper is

  1. 1.00054
  2. 3.5
  3. 2.6
  4. 4.5

Engineering Physics Exam Prep Tests

Temperature and Heat Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Temperature and Heat App (Android & iOS)

Temperature and Heat App (Android & iOS)

Engineering Physics App (Android & iOS)

Engineering Physics App (iOS & Android)

Electronic Devices App (Android & iOS)

Electronic Devices App (Android & iOS)

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Integrated Circuits App (iOS & Android)