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Engineering Physics Practice Test 64

Wavelength and Frequency Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 64

Free Wavelength and Frequency MCQ Questions, wavelength and frequency quiz answers PDF download chapter 33-64 to learn online physics degree programs. Solve Transverse Waves Test PDF, Wavelength and Frequency Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. Free certification app: Wavelength and Frequency MCQ Quiz App Download & e-Book for degree of freedom, work and rotational kinetic energy, escape speed, interference of waves, wavelength and frequency test prep for undergraduate engineering schools.

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Wavelength and Frequency Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 64

MCQ 316: In equation y(x,t)=ysin(kx-wt); argument (kx-wt) is

A) phase
B) frequency
C) amplitude
D) wavelength

MCQ 317: When two waves are in phase, they interfere

A) constructively
B) destructively
C) linearly
D) intermediately

MCQ 318: Largest object in the asteroid belt that lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter is

A) Ceres
B) Vesta
C) Pluto
D) Eris

MCQ 319: Product of force and transnational velocity is

A) work
B) power
C) constant torque
D) angular position

MCQ 320: Number of degrees of freedom in transnational kinetic energy of monoatomic gas molecule is

A) 0
B) 3
C) 2
D) 6

Engineering Physics Exam Prep Tests

Wavelength and Frequency Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Wavelength and Frequency App (Android & iOS)

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