Engineering Programs Courses

Chapter 24: Engineering Physics Exam Tests

Engineering Physics MCQs - Chapter 24

Optical Diffraction Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Optical Diffraction Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Optical Diffraction MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 24-1 to study Engineering Physics Course. Practice Circular Aperture Diffraction MCQs, Optical Diffraction trivia questions and answers PDF for online engineering programs. The Optical Diffraction MCQs App Download: Free learning app for x-ray diffraction, diffraction by a single slit, gratings: dispersion and resolving power career test for online graduate programs.

The MCQ: Diffraction pattern of circular disc shaped intermediate dark and bright fringes with a central bright spot, formed when light passes through a small circular aperture, is called; "Optical Diffraction" App Download (Free) with answers: Curved Aperture Diffraction; Circular Aperture Diffraction; Triangular Aperture Diffraction; Rectangular Aperture Diffraction; for online engineering programs. Solve Electric Potential Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online engineering programs.

Optical Diffraction MCQs with Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

Diffraction pattern of circular disc shaped intermediate dark and bright fringes with a central bright spot, formed when light passes through a small circular aperture, is called

  1. Circular Aperture Diffraction
  2. Curved Aperture Diffraction
  3. Triangular Aperture Diffraction
  4. Rectangular Aperture Diffraction
MCQ 2:

In Bragg's Law, angle of incident and reflection is called

  1. Bragg's angle
  2. Manchest angle
  3. Dual angle
  4. Newton;s angle
MCQ 3:

If wave's first side diffraction maximum is 15° and is coinciding with first minimum of red light, then wavelength of light is

  1. 430 nm
  2. 120 nm
  3. 350 nm
  4. 1200 nm
MCQ 4:

If θ is angular separation of two lines whose wavelength differ by Δλ, then dispersion is equals to

  1. Δλ/Δθ
  2. Δθ/Δλ
  3. Δθ/2Δλ
  4. ΔθxΔλ
MCQ 5:

If a slit of width 'a' is illuminated by white light, then value of 'a' at which the first minimum for red light of wavelength 650 nm appears at θ=15°, is

  1. 25 µm
  2. 2.5 µm
  3. 250 µm
  4. 25 m

Optical Diffraction Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Optical Diffraction MCQs App to learn Optical Diffraction Textbook, Engineering Physics MCQ App, and Electronic Devices MCQs App. The "Optical Diffraction" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Optical Diffraction App (Android & iOS)

Optical Diffraction App (Android & iOS)

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