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Electronic Circuit Design Certification Exam Tests

Electronic Circuit Design Practice Test 12

Zener Diode Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 12

The Zener Diode Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Zener Diode MCQ PDF e-Book) download Ch. 11-12 to learn electronic circuit design online courses. Solve Special Purpose Diodes Quiz Answers PDF, zener diode Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for easy enrollment online colleges. The Zener Diode MCQ Quiz App Download: Free educational app for differential amplifier, ohmic region, zener diode test prep to learn e-learning courses.

The MCQ: A no - load condition means that; "Zener Diode" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: The load has zero resistance; The load has infinite resistance; Both A and C; The output terminal are open; for easy enrollment online colleges. Study special purpose diodes questions and answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for questions to ask in an interview.

Zener Diode MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 12

MCQ 56:

A no - load condition means that

  1. the load has infinite resistance
  2. the load has zero resistance
  3. Both A and C
  4. the output terminal are open
MCQ 57:

If the VDD applied to the transistor is 12V on the resistance of 24 kohm the current dissipation will be

  1. 0.1mA
  2. 0.5mA
  3. 0.3mA
  4. 0.4mA
MCQ 58:

For a certain 12 V zener diode, a 10 mA change in zener current produces a 0.1 V change in zener voltage. The zener impedance for this current ranges is

  1. 0.1 Ω
  2. 100 Ω
  3. 10 Ω
  4. 1 Ω
MCQ 59:

The ratio of differential voltage gain to a common mode gain is known as

  1. CMRE
  2. CRMM
  3. CMRM
  4. CMRR
MCQ 60:

The r parameter r'b is the representation of

  1. AC resistance
  2. DC resistance
  3. AC base resistance
  4. DC base resistance

Mock Tests: Electronic Devices Course Prep

Zener Diode Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Zener Diode App (Android & iOS)

Zener Diode App (Android & iOS)

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