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Electronic Circuit Design Certification Exam Tests

Electronic Circuit Design Practice Test 77

Conduction in Semiconductors Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 77

The Conduction in Semiconductors Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Conduction in Semiconductors Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 10-77 to study electronic circuit design online course. Practice Semiconductors Basics MCQ Questions PDF, conduction in semiconductors Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to apply to colleges online. The Conduction in Semiconductors Quiz App Download: Free learning app for transistor structure, full-wave rectifier, mosfet, decibel, conduction in semiconductors test prep for top engineering universities.

The Quiz MCQ: The vacancy left in the valence band when an electron jumps to the conduction band is known as; "Conduction in Semiconductors" App Download (Free) with answers: Vacant space; Empty space; Clear space; Hole; to apply to colleges online. Solve semiconductors basics questions and answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to learn certification courses online.

Conduction in Semiconductors Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 77

MCQ 381:

The vacancy left in the valence band when an electron jumps to the conduction band is known as

  1. Empty space
  2. Vacant space
  3. Clear space
  4. Hole
MCQ 382:

A logarithmic measurement of the ratio of one power to another or one voltage to another is called

  1. power gain
  2. Voltage gain
  3. Current gain
  4. Decibel
MCQ 383:

The E-MOSFET operates only in

  1. Depletion mode
  2. Enhancement mode
  3. Induction mode
  4. Conductance mode
MCQ 384:

The average value of the full-wave rectified voltage with a peak value of 50V is

  1. 31.8V
  2. 40.1V
  3. 50V
  4. 28.6V
MCQ 385:

A BJT has three regions known as emitter, base and

  1. Collector
  2. Output
  3. Input
  4. Sender

Mock Tests: Electronic Devices Course Prep

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Conduction in Semiconductors App (Android & iOS)

Conduction in Semiconductors App (Android & iOS)

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