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Electronic Circuit Design Certification Exam Tests

Electronic Circuit Design Practice Test 82

Amplifier Operation MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 82

The Amplifier Operation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Amplifier Operation MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-82 to learn electronic circuit design online course. Study BJT Amplifiers MCQs Questions PDF, amplifier operation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online school programs. The Amplifier Operation MCQs App Download: Free certification app for common-emitter amplifier, decibel, voltage-current characteristics of diode, half-wave rectifier, amplifier operation test prep for job placement test.

The MCQs: The amplifier that uses only a small portion of its load line under signal conditions is called; "Amplifier Operation" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Common-collector amplifier; Common-emitter amplifier; Small-signal amplifier; Big-signal amplifier; for online school programs. Practice bjt amplifiers questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online assessment test for jobs.

Amplifier Operation MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 82

MCQ 406:

The amplifier that uses only a small portion of its load line under signal conditions is called

  1. Common-emitter amplifier
  2. Common-collector amplifier
  3. Small-signal amplifier
  4. Big-signal amplifier
MCQ 407:

The device that converts the AC input voltage to pulsating DC voltage is called

  1. Rectifier
  2. Transformer
  3. Capacitor
  4. Inductor
MCQ 408:

The resistance that changes across the V-I curve is called

  1. Changing resistance
  2. Dynamic resistance
  3. Multiple resistance
  4. Zero resistance
MCQ 409:

The maximum gain occurs for the range of frequencies between the upper and lower critical frequencies and is called

  1. High range gain
  2. Midrange gain
  3. Low range gain
  4. Infinite gain
MCQ 410:

The method used to minimize the effect of re without reducing the voltage gain to its minimum value is called

  1. Stability
  2. Ability
  3. Swamping
  4. Maintenance

Mock Tests: Electronic Devices Course Prep

Amplifier Operation Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Amplifier Operation App (Android & iOS)

Amplifier Operation App (Android & iOS)

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