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Combinational and Sequential Logic Circuits Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 88

The Combinational and Sequential Logic Circuits MCQ with Answers PDF (Combinational and Sequential Logic Circuits Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 14-88 to prepare Digital Electronics Practice Tests. Learn Latches and Flip Flops Test PDF, Combinational and Sequential Logic Circuits Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to enroll in online colleges. The Combinational and Sequential Logic Circuits MCQ App Download: Free certification app for cmos static operation, transistor switching times, dynamic logic circuits noise margins, saturating and non saturating logic, combinational and sequential logic circuits test prep to study engineering degree courses.

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Combinational & Sequential Logic Circuits MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 88

MCQ 436:

Memory based on charge storage is known as

  1. dynamic memory
  2. static memory
  3. state memory
  4. bistate memory
MCQ 437:

Logic in which transistors are prevented from going into deep saturation, thus eliminating storage delays is called

  1. non-saturating logic
  2. saturating logic
  3. breakdown logic
  4. dynamic logic
MCQ 438:

Dynamic logic circuits have high

  1. NML
  2. NMH
  3. Vth
  4. VDD
MCQ 439:

Time which is equal to the sum of time taken in removing excess charge stored and the time taken by collector transition capacitance to discharge to 90% of its maximum is called

  1. delay time
  2. storage time
  3. turn-on time
  4. turn-off time
MCQ 440:

Unit of transconductance is

  1. joule
  2. newton
  3. siemens
  4. ohms

Digital Electronics Exam Prep Tests

Combinational & Sequential Logic Circuits Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Combinational & Sequential Logic Circuits App (Android & iOS)

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