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PHP Practice Test 85

PHP and Looping Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 85

Free PHP and Looping Quiz Questions, php and looping quiz answers PDF download chapter 6-85 to study online php degree courses. Practice PHP Controls Structures and Functions MCQ with answers PDF, PHP and Looping Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. Free learning app: PHP and Looping Quiz App Download & e-Book for basic php constructs for oop, using functions, microsoft windows and apache, multidimensional arrays, php and looping test prep to learn online certificate courses.

The Quiz: Which loop evaluates the condition expression as Boolean, if it is true, it executes the statements and when it is false it will terminate; "PHP and Looping" App Download (Free) with answers for each loop, for loop, while loop to study software engineering courses. Solve php controls structures and functions questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for computer software engineer online degree.

PHP and Looping Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 85

MCQ 421: Which loop evaluates the condition expression as Boolean, if it is true, it executes the statements and when it is false it will terminate?

A) For loop
B) For each loop
C) While loop
D) All of them

MCQ 422: Multidimensional arrays are simple arrays that have

A) One dimensional
B) Many arrays stored in them
C) No indexes
D) 1 element

MCQ 423: Windows, Apache, MySQL, Perl, PHP, Python all of these are categories in

A) LAMP stack
B) WAMP stack
C) CAMP stack
D) None of them

MCQ 424: The basic syntax for calling a function is

A) function_name (experssion1, expersion2)
B) (experssion1 : Function_name, expersion2 : Function_name)
C) (experssion1, expersion2)
D) None of them

MCQ 425: Destruct ( ) function is used to call a

A) Constructor
B) Destructor
C) Object
D) Method

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