Computer Science Degree Courses

Database Systems Certification Exam Tests

Database Systems Practice Test 86

Specialty Databases MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 86

The Specialty Databases Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Specialty Databases MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 13-86 to solve Database Systems Practice Tests. Study Introduction to DBMS quiz answers PDF, Specialty Databases Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn SQL certification courses. The Specialty Databases MCQs App Download: Free educational app for dbms keys, online analytical processing (olap), accessing sql and programming language, algebra operations in dbms, specialty databases test prep for online bachelor's degree computer science.

The MCQs: The one data model that contrasts with all the other models, is said to be; "Specialty Databases" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Relational data model; Entity relationship data model; Semi-structured data model; Object-based Data model; to learn SQL certification courses. Practice Introduction to DBMS Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online college courses.

Specialty Databases MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 86

MCQ 426:

The one data model that contrasts with all the other models, is said to be

  1. Entity relationship data model
  2. Relational data model
  3. Semi-structured data model
  4. Object-based Data model
MCQ 427:

Aggregate functions can operate over multiple occurrences of a value, known to be

  1. multisets
  2. multidata
  3. multivalue
  4. multirelation
MCQ 428:

A database programmer must have access to a general-purpose programming language for at least

  1. 1 reason
  2. 2 reasons
  3. 3 reasons
  4. 4 reasons
MCQ 429:

Data that can be viewed as dimension attributes and measure attributes are called

  1. Integrated data
  2. Compound data
  3. Montonic data
  4. Multidimensional data
MCQ 430:

Minimal superkeys are called

  1. Unique key
  2. Superset key
  3. Candidate key
  4. Primary key

Database Systems Exam Prep Tests

Specialty Databases Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Specialty Databases App (Android & iOS)

Specialty Databases App (Android & iOS)

DataBase Management System (MCS) App (Android & iOS)

DataBase Management System (MCS) App (iOS & Android)

Global Warming App (Android & iOS)

Global Warming App (Android & iOS)

MNGT App (Android & iOS)

MNGT App (iOS & Android)