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Database Systems Practice Test 83

Basic Structure of SQL Queries Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 83

The Basic Structure of SQL Queries Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Basic Structure of SQL Queries Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 15-83 to solve Database Systems Practice Tests. Learn Introduction to SQL MCQ Questions PDF, Basic Structure of SQL Queries Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online software engineering certification. The Basic Structure of SQL Queries Trivia App Download: Free learning app for decomposition using functional dependencies, database design, sql data definition, magnetic disk and flash storage, basic structure of sql queries test prep for online software development courses.

The Quiz: To specify explicitly that duplicates are not removed, SQL allows to use the keyword; "Basic Structure of SQL Queries" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Total; Whole; All; Complete; for online software development courses. Study Introduction to SQL Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample to learn free online courses.

Basic Structure of SQL Queries Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 83

MCQ 411:

To specify explicitly that duplicates are not removed, SQL allows to use the keyword

  1. Whole
  2. Total
  3. All
  4. Complete
MCQ 412:

Operating systems routinely performs read-ahead for consecutive blocks of an

  1. Operating system file
  2. Program
  3. Application
  4. Operation
MCQ 413:

Many database systems do not support

  1. Dropping entire table
  2. Dropping of attributes
  3. Deleting table
  4. Deleting attributes
MCQ 414:

A 'thing' or 'object' in the real world that is distinguishable from other objects, is known as

  1. Node
  2. Entry
  3. Entity
  4. Pointer
MCQ 415:

The definition of 3NF permits certain functional dependencies that are not allowed in

  1. BCNF
  2. 1NF
  3. 2NF
  4. 3NF

Database Systems Exam Prep Tests

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