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Database Systems Practice Test 181

SQL Data Definition Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 181

The SQL Data Definition Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (SQL Data Definition Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 15-181 to prepare Database Systems Practice Tests. Solve Introduction to SQL MCQ with answers PDF, SQL Data Definition Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for top online computer science programs. The SQL Data Definition Quiz App Download: Free learning app for concurrency control in dbms, accessing sql and programming language, buffer management, database authorization, sql data definition test prep for online computer science engineering.

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SQL Data Definition Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 181

MCQ 901:

The physical storage structure of each relation on disk is managed by

  1. SQL DML
  2. Authorization control
  3. SQL DDL
  4. Transaction control.
MCQ 902:

The system returns an error if there are any cascading revocations, and does not carry out the

  1. Restrict action
  2. Assign action
  3. Revoke action
  4. Cascade action
MCQ 903:

The schemes that permits transactions to be active while the dump is in progress is called

  1. Fuzzy dump
  2. Buffer dump
  3. Log dump
  4. Model dump
MCQ 904:

Not all queries can be expressed in

  1. SQL
  2. General purpose programming
  3. DB2
  4. Oracle
MCQ 905:

To effectively use multiple CPUs, it is needed to design

  1. Dependencies
  2. Parallel execution
  3. Paging
  4. Concurrent Scheming

Database Systems Exam Prep Tests

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SQL Data Definition App (Android & iOS)

SQL Data Definition App (Android & iOS)

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