Computer Science Courses

Database Systems Certification Exam Tests

Database Systems Practice Test 439

Encryption and Applications Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 439

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Encryption and Applications Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 439

MCQ 2191:

Adding extra random bits to the value can result in avoiding

  1. Dictionary attacks
  2. Passive attacks
  3. Active attacks
  4. Forgery
MCQ 2192:

When an entity in set A is associated with any number of entities in set B, the cardinality is said to be of type

  1. Many-to-many
  2. Many-to-one
  3. One-to-one
  4. One-to-many
MCQ 2193:

If elements of the domain are considered to be indivisible units, the domain is said to be

  1. Asserted
  2. Atomic
  3. Integrated
  4. Consistent
MCQ 2194:

A set of relation schemas that also allows to retrieve information easily, is task done by

  1. Normalization
  2. Integration
  3. Assertions
  4. Associations
MCQ 2195:

Database applications are usually partitioned into

  1. 2 parts
  2. 3 parts
  3. 4 parts
  4. 5 parts

Database Systems Exam Prep Tests

Encryption and Applications Learning App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

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Encryption and Applications App (Android & iOS)

Encryption and Applications App (Android & iOS)

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Database Management System App (iOS & Android)

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