Computer Science Degree Courses
Chapter 18: Database Systems Exam Tests
Database Systems MCQs - Chapter 18
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The MCQ: In case of A4 search algorithm, if the equality condition is on a key, the strategy can retrieve; "Query Processing" App Download (Free) with answers: Two records; Single record; Multiple records; No records; for cheapest online computer science degree. Solve Notations for Modeling Data Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for top online computer science programs.
In case of A4 search algorithm, if the equality condition is on a key, the strategy can retrieve
Tin the query-evaluation plan, the response time is merely dependent on the contents of the
In the Linear search, an initial seek is required to access the file's
The A6 search algorithm uses a/an
A predicate that by satisfying individual simple condition, satisfies the union of all records is called the
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