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Computer Basics Certification Exam Tests

Computer Basics Practice Test 269

Windows XP Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 269

The Windows XP Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Windows XP Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 14-269 to prepare Computer Basics Practice Tests. Solve Operating Systems MCQ with answers PDF, Windows XP Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for computer software engineer online degree. The Windows XP Quiz App Download: Free learning app for number systems, measuring and improving drive performance, dos commands, uses of computers, windows xp test prep to learn online certificate courses.

The Quiz: In Windows XP, what does 'XP' stands for; "Windows XP" App Download (Free) with answers: EXPensive; EXPlore; EXtra Power; EXPerience; for computer software engineer online degree. Learn Operating Systems Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to study e-learning courses.

Windows XP Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 269

MCQ 1341:

In Windows XP, what does 'XP' stands for?

  1. eXPlore
  2. eXPensive
  3. eXtra Power
  4. eXPerience
MCQ 1342:

Technology which is used to control all parts of a manufacturing process is called

  1. ATM
  2. CAD
  3. CAM
  4. MICR
MCQ 1343:

SYS command is used to

  1. copy DOS system files to new disk
  2. copy DOS configuration files to new disk
  3. update the DOS system files
  4. cut the DOS system files
MCQ 1344:

Process which lets you fit more data onto a magnetic disk is

  1. extraction
  2. defragmentation
  3. compression
  4. scanning
MCQ 1345:

Number 178 is equivalent to binary

  1. 111
  2. 1110
  3. 10000
  4. 1111

Computer Basics Exam Prep Tests

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Windows XP App (Android & iOS)

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