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Computer Basics Practice Test 177

Computer Keyboard Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 177

The Computer Keyboard Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Computer Keyboard Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 10-177 to prepare Computer Basics Practice Tests. Solve Interacting with Computer MCQ with answers PDF, Computer Keyboard Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for top computer science schools. The Computer Keyboard Quiz App Download: Free learning app for window desktop basics, operating system basics, user interface concepts, operating system processes, computer keyboard test prep for computer science associate degree.

The Quiz: To close active window, shortcut keys used are; "Computer Keyboard" App Download (Free) with answers: Ctrl + W; Ctrl + X; Ctrl + F4; for top computer science schools. Learn Interacting with Computer Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for computer science online programs.

Computer Keyboard Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 177

MCQ 881:

To close active window, shortcut keys used are

  1. Ctrl + X
  2. Ctrl + W
  3. Ctrl + F4
  4. both B and C
MCQ 882:

In real time operating system

  1. all processes have the same priority
  2. a task must be serviced by its deadline period
  3. process scheduling can be done only once
  4. kernel is not required
MCQ 883:

To place a sound into a Word document, which feature of a window would you use?

  1. OLE
  2. clipboard
  3. paste
  4. task switching
MCQ 884:

Which one of the following is not a real time operating system?

  1. VxWorks
  2. Windows CE
  3. RT Linux
  4. Palm OS
MCQ 885:

Bar which appears at the bottom of computer desktop is termed as

  1. task bar
  2. tool bar
  3. title bar
  4. menu bar

Computer Basics Exam Prep Tests

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