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Computer Architecture Certification Exam Tests

Computer Architecture Practice Test 142

What is Computer Architecture MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 142

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What is Computer Architecture MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 142

MCQ 706:

Unit converting to internal, low-voltage, three-phase power at 480V is

  1. power data rack
  2. power data unit
  3. power distribution unit
  4. data distribution unit
MCQ 707:

Which one of the following addressing mode is used to access the operand?

  1. address specified
  2. binary-coded decimal
  3. unpacking
  4. packed decimal
MCQ 708:

Transistor density increased by 35%/year, quadrupling over the 4years, the given technology is known as

  1. integrated logic technology
  2. multi circuit logic technology
  3. multi instruction logic technology
  4. integrated circuit logic technology
MCQ 709:

The power utilization effectiveness would be calculated as

  1. PUE = (Total facility power)*(IT equipment power)
  2. PUE = (Total facility power)-(IT equipment power)
  3. PUE = (Total facility power) + (IT equipment power)
  4. pue = (total facility power)/(it equipment power)
MCQ 710:

Computer B having execution time 110 ns and computer A having 1001 then

  1. A is 9.1 times as fast as B for programs
  2. B is 9.1 times as fast as A for programs
  3. A is 8 times as fast as B for programs
  4. B is 8 times as fast as A for programs

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

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What is Computer Architecture App (Android & iOS)

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