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Computer Architecture Practice Test 129

Signal Processing and Embedded Applications Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 129

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Signal Processing and Embedded Applications Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 129

MCQ 641:

Switching that implements flow control at the packet level, is

  1. virtual cut-through switching
  2. wormhole switching
  3. buffered wormhole switching
  4. wormhole switching
MCQ 642:

The letters of SRAM stands for

  1. sequential
  2. system
  3. stats
  4. static
MCQ 643:

Exponent variable is often shared by a set of fixed-point variables, this style of arithmetic is also called

  1. unblocked floating point
  2. blocked floating point
  3. blocked fixed point
  4. unblocked fixed point
MCQ 644:

Detection of loop stream r micro-fusion is performed by

  1. micro-op buffer
  2. macro-op buffer
  3. anti-speculation
  4. commit
MCQ 645:

A scheme in which portions of the I/O address space are given to I/O devices is called

  1. data mapped
  2. memory-mapped I/O
  3. backplane
  4. both a and b

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

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Signal Processing and Embedded Applications App (Android & iOS)

Signal Processing and Embedded Applications App (Android & iOS)

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