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Computer Architecture Practice Test 41

Computer Architecture: Memory Hierarchy Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 41

Free Computer Architecture Memory Hierarchy Quiz Questions and Answers, Computer Architecture Memory Hierarchy Quiz PDF Download, Book Test 26-41 to study computer architecture online courses. Practice Pipelining in Computer Architecture MCQ with answers PDF, computer architecture memory hierarchy Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Computer Architecture: Memory Hierarchy Quiz App Download: Free learning app for computer architecture: memory hierarchy, computer hardware operands, programming models and workloads, pipelining crosscutting issues, design of memory hierarchies test prep for accelerated computer science degree online.

The Quiz: Exceptions that occur within instructions are usually; "Computer Architecture: Memory Hierarchy" App Download (Free) with answers asynchronous, synchronous, pipelined and blocked for online software engineering classes. Solve pipelining in computer architecture questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for online software development courses.

Computer Architecture: Memory Hierarchy Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 41

MCQ 201: Exceptions that occur within instructions are usually

  1. synchronous
  2. asynchronous
  3. pipelined
  4. blocked

MCQ 202: Schemes that reduce traffic when the collective traffic of all nodes is too large for the network to handle, refer to

  1. congestion controller
  2. congestion control
  3. header
  4. phits

MCQ 203: Which method is used to map logical addresses of variable length onto physical memory?

  1. paging
  2. overlays
  3. segmentation
  4. buffers

MCQ 204: The given lines of code add $t0,$s1,$s2; add $t1,$s3,$s4; sub $s0,$t0,$t1, give an expression of

  1. f = (g + h) - (i + j);
  2. f = (g - h) - (i + j);
  3. f = (g + h) + (i + j);
  4. f = (g + h) - (i - j);

MCQ 205: To the server 90% of accesses are local, 9% are being outside the server but in the rack, and 1% are being outside the rack will be having average memory latency of

  1. 12.09 microseconds
  2. 12.09 nanoseconds
  3. 11.09 microseconds
  4. 11.09 nanoseconds

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

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