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Basics of Typical C++ Environment MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 102

The Basics of Typical C++ Environment Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Basics of Typical C++ Environment MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 6-102 to solve C++ Practice Tests. Study Computers and C++ Programming quiz answers PDF, Basics of Typical C++ Environment Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for master degree in computer science. The Basics of Typical C++ Environment MCQs App Download: Free educational app for computer organization, structured programming, real number types, unified modeling language, basics of typical c++ environment test prep for computer science associate degree.

The MCQs: A C++ program typically go through how many phases; "Basics of Typical C++ Environment" App (Android, iOS) with answers: 4 phases; 3 phases; 6 phases; 8 phases; for master degree in computer science. Practice Computers and C++ Programming Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for top computer science schools.

Basics of Typical C++ Environment MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 102

MCQ 506:

A C++ program typically go through how many phases?

  1. 3 phases
  2. 4 phases
  3. 6 phases
  4. 8 phases
MCQ 507:

Whenever a new value is placed in variable's location, it

  1. Replaces the old value
  2. It is stored in a new location
  3. Previous contents are saved
  4. None of them
MCQ 508:

Number of bytes allocated to char in C++ is

  1. 1 byte
  2. 2 bytes
  3. 3 bytes
  4. 4 bytes
MCQ 509:

Structured languages tend to be pretty bad at both abstracting over

  1. variable declaration
  2. function implementation
  3. control flow
  4. loop irritation
MCQ 510:

Which from the following is not a logical unit of computer organization?

  1. Input unit
  2. Central processing unit
  3. Secondary storage unit
  4. None of them

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