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Computer Architecture Practice Test 109

CPU Performance Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 109

The CPU Performance Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (CPU Performance Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 10-109 to prepare Computer Architecture Practice Tests. Solve Instruction Level Parallelism MCQ with answers PDF, CPU Performance Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for accelerated computer science degree online. The CPU Performance Quiz App Download: Free learning app for cpu performance, network topologies, simple implementation scheme, learn virtual memory, computer types test prep for online software development courses.

The Quiz: For predicting the value which will be produced by instruction, this stated technique is referred to as; "CPU Performance" App Download (Free) with answers: Anti-dependence; Value prediction; Anti-speculation; Commit; for accelerated computer science degree online. Learn Instruction Level Parallelism Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for online computer science degrees.

CPU Performance Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 109

MCQ 541:

For predicting the value which will be produced by instruction, this stated technique is referred to as

  1. value prediction
  2. anti-dependence
  3. anti-speculation
  4. commit
MCQ 542:

The op field, also called the Opcode, is always contained in bits

  1. (32:26)
  2. (32:25)
  3. (31:26)
  4. (32:25)
MCQ 543:

Computer A having a clock cycle time of 250 PS and cycle per instruction of 2.0 for some programs, and computer B having a clock cycle time of 500 PS and a cycle per instruction of 1.2 for the same program. Which one is faster for this program?

  1. computer A
  2. computer B
  3. both will have same time
  4. none of above
MCQ 544:

Adding a minimum of logk N = 1 extra switch stages to the MIN in such a way that they mirror the original topology, the resulting network is

  1. non-blocking
  2. rearrangeably nonblocking
  3. blocking
  4. rearrangeably blocking
MCQ 545:

In the single-cycle implementation, the instructions of the programs are executed in

  1. one cycle
  2. two cycles
  3. three cycles
  4. four cycles

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

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CPU Performance App (Android & iOS)

CPU Performance App (Android & iOS)

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