BBA Finance Degree Courses

Chapter 2: Financial Management Exam Tests

Financial Management MCQs - Chapter 2

Basics of Capital Budgeting Evaluating Cash Flows Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Basics of Capital Budgeting Evaluating Cash Flows Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Basics of Capital Budgeting Evaluating Cash Flows MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 2-1 to study Financial Management Course. Practice Present Value of Annuity MCQs, Basics of Capital Budgeting Evaluating Cash Flows trivia questions and answers PDF for online business and administration degree. The Basics of Capital Budgeting Evaluating Cash Flows MCQs App Download: Free learning app for net present value, profitability index career test for master of science in finance.

The MCQ: A project whose cash flows are more than the capital invested for rate of return then the net present value will be; "Basics of Capital Budgeting Evaluating Cash Flows" App Download (Free) with answers: Independent; Positive; Negative; Zero; for online business and administration degree. Solve Binomial Approach Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online bachelor's degree in business administration.

Basics of Capital Budgeting Evaluating Cash Flows MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

A project whose cash flows are more than the capital invested for rate of return then the net present value will be

  1. positive
  2. independent
  3. negative
  4. zero
MCQ 2:

In the mutually exclusive projects, the project which is selected for comparison with others must have

  1. higher net present value
  2. lower net present value
  3. zero net present value
  4. all of the above
MCQ 3:

The relationship between Economic Value Added (EVA) and the Net Present Value (NPV) is considered as

  1. valued relationship
  2. economic relationship
  3. direct relationship
  4. inverse relationship
MCQ 4:

An uncovered cost at start of year is $200, full cash flow during recovery year is $400 and prior years to full recovery is 3 then payback would be

  1. 5 years
  2. 3.5 years
  3. 4 years
  4. 4.5 years
MCQ 5:

In capital budgeting, the positive net present value results in

  1. negative economic value added
  2. positive economic value added
  3. zero economic value added
  4. percent economic value added

Basics of Capital Budgeting Evaluating Cash Flows Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Basics of Capital Budgeting Evaluating Cash Flows MCQs App to learn Basics of Capital Budgeting Evaluating Cash Flows Textbook, Financial Management MCQ App, and Human Resource Management (BBA) MCQs App. The "Basics of Capital Budgeting Evaluating Cash Flows" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Basics of Capital Budgeting Evaluating Cash Flows App (Android & iOS)

Basics of Capital Budgeting Evaluating Cash Flows App (Android & iOS)

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Financial Management App (iOS & Android)

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