A Level Courses

Chapter 23: IGCSE A Level Physics Exam Tests

IGCSE A Level Physics MCQs - Chapter 23

Nuclear Physics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Nuclear Physics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Nuclear Physics MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 23-1 to study IGCSE A Level Physics Course. Practice Decay Graphs MCQs, Nuclear Physics quiz questions and answers PDF for best online ACT prep class. The Nuclear Physics MCQs App Download: Free learning app for mass and energy, radioactivity, nuclear physics career test to learn online IGCSE GCE courses.

The MCQ: Activity is proportional to number of; "Nuclear Physics" App Download (Free) with answers: Decayed nuclei; Daughter nuclei; Undecayed nuclei; Father nuclei; for best online ACT prep class. Solve Hall Effect Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online bachelor degree programs.

Nuclear Physics MCQs with Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

Activity is proportional to number of

  1. daughter nuclei
  2. decayed nuclei
  3. undecayed nuclei
  4. father nuclei
MCQ 2:

Energy given to nucleus to dismantle it increases the

  1. kinetic energy of individual nucleons
  2. mechanical energy of individual nucleons
  3. potential energy of individual nucleons
  4. chemical energy of individual nucleons
MCQ 3:

Radioactive decay is a

  1. random process
  2. non-spontaneous process
  3. regular process
  4. massive process
MCQ 4:

1 u is equal to

  1. 1.660 × 10-27 kg
  2. 2 × 10-27 kg
  3. 3 × 10-27 kg
  4. 5 × 10-27 kg
MCQ 5:

In gamma emission, the change in nucleon number is

  1. zero
  2. definite
  3. increase by 1
  4. decreases by 1

Nuclear Physics Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Nuclear Physics App (Android & iOS)

Nuclear Physics App (Android & iOS)

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