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IGCSE A Level Biology Practice Test 78

Afferent Arteriole and Glomerulus MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 78

The Afferent Arteriole and Glomerulus Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Afferent Arteriole and Glomerulus MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 10-78 to solve IGCSE A Level Biology Practice Tests. Study Regulation and Control quiz answers PDF, Afferent Arteriole and Glomerulus Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study IGCSE certificate courses. The Afferent Arteriole and Glomerulus MCQs App Download: Free educational app for afferent arteriole and glomerulus, college biology, medulla, cortex and pelvis, transport system in plants, mutations, mutagen and oncogene test prep for ACT prep classes.

The MCQs: Blood is provided to Glomerulus through; "Afferent Arteriole & Glomerulus" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Efferent arteriole; Afferent arteriole; Renal artery; Renal vein; to study IGCSE certificate courses. Practice Regulation and Control Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for accredited online college courses.

Afferent Arteriole & Glomerulus MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 78

MCQ 386:

Blood is provided to Glomerulus through

  1. afferent arteriole
  2. efferent arteriole
  3. renal artery
  4. renal vein
MCQ 387:

Pelvis helps in connecting

  1. ureter to kidney
  2. urethra to kidney
  3. ureter to medulla
  4. urethra to medulla
MCQ 388:

The tube running from the cortex later joins the distal convoluted tubule before connecting to the

  1. proximal convoluted tubule
  2. medulla of the kidney
  3. collecting duct
  4. the pelvis
MCQ 389:

Flowering plants are also called as

  1. gymnosperm
  2. angiosperms
  3. shrubs
  4. bushes
MCQ 390:

The term "Onkos" refers to

  1. change
  2. mutation
  3. bulk
  4. division

IGCSE A Level Biology Exam Prep Tests

Afferent Arteriole & Glomerulus Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Afferent Arteriole & Glomerulus App (Android & iOS)

Afferent Arteriole & Glomerulus App (Android & iOS)

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