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Auxin Gibberellins and Abscisic Acid MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 2

The Auxin Gibberellins and Abscisic Acid Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Auxin Gibberellins and Abscisic Acid MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 10-2 to solve IGCSE A Level Biology Practice Tests. Study Regulation and Control quiz answers PDF, Auxin Gibberellins and Abscisic Acid Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online certificate programs. The Auxin, Gibberellins and Abscisic Acid MCQs App Download: Free educational app for auxin, gibberellins and abscisic acid, active transport, mammalian heart, bowman's capsule and convoluted tubule, ultrafiltration and proximal convoluted tubule test prep for best online colleges for teaching degree.

The MCQs: The food reserves in the aleuronic layer are converted to carbohydrates for seed growth. What's the first thing aleuronic gets converted into; "Auxin Gibberellins & Abscisic Acid" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Starch; Amylase; Maltose; Glucose; for online certificate programs. Practice Regulation and Control Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for college entrance exams.

Auxin Gibberellins & Abscisic Acid MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 2

MCQ 6:

The food reserves in the aleuronic layer are converted to carbohydrates for seed growth. What's the first thing aleuronic gets converted into?

  1. amylase
  2. starch
  3. maltose
  4. glucose
MCQ 7:

The functions which are performed by cell surface membrane do not include

  1. exchange of nutrients
  2. exchange of waste materials
  3. enable mitosis
  4. receive hormone messages
MCQ 8:

Veins do not require thick walls

  1. as they do not have to work harder
  2. they are required only occasionally
  3. the blood pressure declines while it gets to veins
  4. the blood pressures is immense
MCQ 9:

Blood Plasma and glomerular filtrate are different in concentrations of

  1. water
  2. proteins
  3. amino acids
  4. glucose
MCQ 10:

Movement of glucose ions in the proximal convoluted tubule is an example of

  1. active transport
  2. direct transport
  3. inactive transport
  4. secondary active transport

IGCSE A Level Biology Exam Prep Tests

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Auxin Gibberellins & Abscisic Acid App (Android & iOS)

Auxin Gibberellins & Abscisic Acid App (Android & iOS)

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