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Sociology Online Tests

How and Why They Came Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free How and Why They Came Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (How and Why They Came MCQ PDF Book) download to learn sociology online courses. Practice Race and Ethnicity Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), How and Why They Came quiz answers PDF to learn online university courses. The How and Why They Came MCQ App Download: Free learning app for history of intergroup relations, why they came, how and why they came, stereotypes test prep for online bachelor's degree.

The MCQ: New World on the trans-Atlantic journey known as the; "How and Why They Came" App Download (Free) with answers passage, front passage, middle passage and last passage to learn online university courses. Study how and why they came quiz questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for online graduate programs.

How and Why They Came MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The New World on the trans-Atlantic journey known as the

  1. Passage
  2. Front passage
  3. Middle passage
  4. Last passage

MCQ 2: The main wave of Cuban immigration started after

  1. Jacob Vigdor
  2. Fidel Castro
  3. Myers
  4. Helen Samhan

MCQ 3: Who were the first Asian immigrants to come to the United States?

  1. Germans
  2. Japanese
  3. Chinese
  4. British

MCQ 4: Primarily 'Vietnamese' immigration occurred in

  1. 1975
  2. 1977
  3. 1985
  4. 1994

MCQ 5: The Mexicans migrated from United states for the need of

  1. Cheap Labor
  2. Social Labor
  3. Agricultural Labor
  4. Industrial Labor

Sociology Practice Tests

How and Why They Came Learning App & Free Study Apps

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How and Why They Came App (Android & iOS)

How and Why They Came App (Android & iOS)

Sociology App (Android & iOS)

Sociology App (iOS & Android)

Global Warming App (Android & iOS)

Global Warming App (Android & iOS)

Applied Anthropology App (Android & iOS)

Applied Anthropology App (iOS & Android)