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Phylum Practice Test 8

Class Osteichthyes: Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 8

The Class Osteichthyes Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii MCQ with Answers PDF (Class Osteichthyes Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 8-8 to prepare Phylum Practice Tests. Learn Fishes Vertebrate Success in Water Test PDF, Class Osteichthyes Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for best online colleges. The Class Osteichthyes: Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii MCQ App Download: Free certification app for phylum echinodermata: class asteroidea, class aves: general characteristics, class reptilia: order testudines, subphylum urochordata, class osteichthyes: subclass sarcopterygii and actinopterygii test prep to learn online master degree courses.

The MCQ Quiz: The number of the living species of the Actinopterygii's is nearly; "Class Osteichthyes: Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii" App (Play Store & App Store) with answers: 23 species; 30 species; 25 species; 55 species; for best online colleges. Practice Fishes Vertebrate Success in Water Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for online college classes.

Class Osteichthyes: Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 8

MCQ 36:

The number of the living species of the Actinopterygii's is nearly

  1. 30 species
  2. 23 species
  3. 25 species
  4. 55 species
MCQ 37:

The heart of the tunicates lies at the base of the

  1. buccal cavity
  2. pharynx
  3. sinus glands
  4. left side of the body
MCQ 38:

The teeth are absent in the order Testudines' in

  1. adults
  2. larva
  3. zygote
  4. all of above
MCQ 39:

The gonads are in the abdominal region present next to

  1. intestine
  2. kidney
  3. uterus
  4. anus
MCQ 40:

In the sea star, the stomach has

  1. 2 compartments
  2. 3 compartments
  3. single bag
  4. 5 regions

Phylum Exam Prep Tests

Class Osteichthyes Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii Textbook App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Class Osteichthyes Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii App (Android & iOS)

Class Osteichthyes Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii App (Android & iOS)

Phylum App (Android & iOS)

Phylum App (iOS & Android)

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