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MBA Organizational Structure & Design Practice Tests

MBA Organizational Structure & Design Online Tests

Resource Dependence MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Resource Dependence Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Resource Dependence MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice MBA Organizational Structure & Design Tests. Study Interorganizational Relationships Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Resource Dependence quiz answers PDF to study online BBA courses. The Resource Dependence MCQ App Download: Free learning app for interorganizational relationships test prep for accelerated bachelors degree online.

The MCQ: A domain of unique environmental resources and needs are called; "Resource Dependence" App Download (Free) with answers: Competitive advantage; Competitive business; Competitive strategy; Competitive niche; to study online BBA courses. Practice Resource Dependence Quiz Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for bachelor degree online in 2 years.

Resource Dependence MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The occurrence of process of change in the population is in

  1. 2 stages
  2. 3 stages
  3. 4 stages
  4. 5 stages
MCQ 2:

A domain of unique environmental resources and needs are called

  1. Competitive advantage
  2. Competitive business
  3. Competitive strategy
  4. Competitive niche
MCQ 3:

Multiple businesses and individuals network that are connected by the flow of products or services, is called

  1. Supply chain
  2. Resource chain
  3. Relationship chain
  4. Cultural chain
MCQ 4:

An organization's specific technology, structure, products that can be selected or rejected by the environment, defines

  1. Organizational structure
  2. Organizational environment
  3. Organizational forms
  4. Organizational ecology
MCQ 5:

The appearance of diverse and new forms in a population of organizations, defines the

  1. Variation
  2. Selection
  3. Retention
  4. Attenuation

MBA Organizational Structure & Design Practice Tests

Resource Dependence Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Resource Dependence App (Android & iOS)

Resource Dependence App (Android & iOS)

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