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Metabolism Certification Exam Tests

Metabolism Practice Test 120

Metabolism of Cholesterol Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 120

The Metabolism of Cholesterol MCQ with Answers PDF (Metabolism of Cholesterol Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-120 to prepare Metabolism Practice Tests. Learn Metabolism of Lipid Test PDF, Metabolism of Cholesterol Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn free online courses. The Metabolism of Cholesterol MCQ App Download: Free certification app for major pathways of carbohydrates metabolism, lipotropic factors, mineral metabolism: iron, metabolism of sulfur amino acids, metabolism of cholesterol test prep to learn online tutor courses.

The MCQ: In adults, the synthesis of cholesterol per day is about; "Metabolism of Cholesterol" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: 1 g; 1 kg; 2 g; 2 kg; to learn free online courses. Practice Metabolism of Lipid Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online college classes.

Metabolism of Cholesterol MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 120

MCQ 596:

In adults, the synthesis of cholesterol per day is about

  1. 1 kg
  2. 1 g
  3. 2 g
  4. 2 kg
MCQ 597:

The process captivated in the transferring of sulfur from one compound to another, known as

  1. Sulferation
  2. Interconversion
  3. Transsulferation
  4. Inter change
MCQ 598:

An approximate, dietary iron requirement in the menstruating woman is calculated as

  1. 10 mg/day
  2. 18 mg/day
  3. 40 mg/day
  4. 49 mg/day
MCQ 599:

For the synthesis of the phospholipids, the required components are

  1. Choline only
  2. Inositol only
  3. Methionine
  4. Choline and Inositol
MCQ 600:

The level of glucose in the cell is very low as compared to

  1. skin
  2. liver
  3. plasma
  4. brain

Metabolism Exam Prep Tests

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Metabolism of Cholesterol App (Android & iOS)

Metabolism of Cholesterol App (Android & iOS)

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