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Chapter 3: Metabolism Exam Tests

Metabolism MCQs - Chapter 3

Metabolism of Amino Acids Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Metabolism of Amino Acids Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Metabolism of Amino Acids MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-1 to study Metabolism Course. Practice Metabolism of Tryptophan MCQs, Metabolism of Amino Acids trivia questions and answers PDF for free online college classes. The Metabolism of Amino Acids MCQs App Download: Free learning app for metabolism of serine, metabolism of phenylalanine and tyrosine, metabolism of aspartate and asparagine, polyamines career test to study online tutor courses.

The MCQ: The alternative name for the serotonin is termed as; "Metabolism of Amino Acids" App Download (Free) with answers: Serotonin; 5 hydroxytryptamine; Adrenaline; for free online college classes. Solve Mineral Metabolism: Calcium Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online degrees.

Metabolism of Amino Acids MCQs with Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

The alternative name for the serotonin is termed as

  1. 5 hydroxytryptamine
  2. Serotonin
  3. Adrenaline
  4. all of above
MCQ 2:

Ethanolamine is a precursor for

  1. alanine synthesis
  2. choline synthesis
  3. valine synthesis
  4. proline synthesis
MCQ 3:

The excitatory neurotransmitter that is synthesized from the tryptophan, named as

  1. myelin
  2. serotonin
  3. valine
  4. proline
MCQ 4:

Aspartate is being formed from

  1. oxaloacetate
  2. ornithine
  3. methionine
  4. Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)
MCQ 5:

The example of macrocyclic polyamine, incorporated with

  1. Cylam only
  2. Cyclen only
  3. Piperazine
  4. Cylam and cylen

Metabolism of Amino Acids Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Metabolism of Amino Acids App (Android & iOS)

Metabolism of Amino Acids App (Android & iOS)

Metabolism App (Android & iOS)

Metabolism App (iOS & Android)

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