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Marine Pollution Practice Tests

Marine Pollution Online Tests

Inorganic nutrients and eutrophication Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free Inorganic nutrients and eutrophication Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (Inorganic nutrients and eutrophication MCQ PDF Book) download to learn marine pollution online courses. Practice Inorganic Pollutants Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Inorganic nutrients and eutrophication quiz answers PDF for online graduate programs. The Inorganic nutrients and eutrophication MCQ App Download: Free learning app for nitrogen cycle in marine environment, metal pollution, sources of metals test prep for online colleges and universities.

The MCQ: Bacteria is responsible in converting the 'inert nitrogen' gas into a;; "Inorganic nutrients and eutrophication" App Download (Free) with answers non usable form, usable form, non consumption form and chemical form for online graduate programs. Study inorganic nutrients and eutrophication quiz questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for online certificate courses.

Inorganic nutrients and eutrophication MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: Bacteria is responsible in converting the 'inert nitrogen' gas into a;

  1. Non usable form
  2. Usable form
  3. Non consumption form
  4. chemical form

MCQ 2: Nitrogen gas is reduced to ammonia by;

  1. Plants
  2. Rodents
  3. Viruses
  4. All of above

MCQ 3: Plants adapted in; low pH soil and

  1. High oxygen content
  2. Low oxygen content
  3. High temperature
  4. high pressure

MCQ 4: Ammonium pool is rapidly recycled in;

  1. Rivers
  2. Open oceans
  3. Ponds
  4. Lakes

MCQ 5: Some bacteria transforms, nitrate ions back into nitrogen gas, the resulting process is known as:

  1. Nitrogen fixation
  2. Ammonification
  3. Denitrification
  4. Nitrification

Marine Pollution Practice Tests

Inorganic nutrients and eutrophication Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Inorganic nutrients and eutrophication App (Android & iOS)

Inorganic nutrients and eutrophication App (Android & iOS)

Marine Pollution App (Android & iOS)

Marine Pollution App (iOS & Android)

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