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Marine Pollution Certification Exam Tests

Marine Pollution Practice Test 6

nitrogen cycle in marine environment MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 6

The nitrogen cycle in marine environment Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (nitrogen cycle in marine environment MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 2-6 to solve Marine Pollution Practice Tests. Study Inorganic Pollutants quiz answers PDF, nitrogen cycle in marine environment Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study online educational courses. The nitrogen cycle in marine environment MCQs App Download: Free educational app for sources of metals, cost of eutrophication, ships, classification of pollution forms, nitrogen cycle in marine environment test prep for online college courses.

The MCQs: Nitrogen' fixation takes place in shallow and 'oligotrophic' water, harbouring; "nitrogen cycle in marine environment" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Phytoplankton's; Coral Reefs; Zooplanktons; Organisms; to study online educational courses. Practice Inorganic Pollutants Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online degrees.

nitrogen cycle in marine environment MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 6

MCQ 26:

Nitrogen' fixation takes place in shallow and 'oligotrophic' water, harbouring;

  1. Coral Reefs
  2. Phytoplankton's
  3. Zooplanktons
  4. organisms
MCQ 27:

The primary sources of plastics, included; fishing nets, cargo, cruise ships and

  1. Military waste
  2. Oil Tankers
  3. Sediments
  4. heat waves
MCQ 28:

CFCs' stands for;

  1. Chloro fluoride carbon
  2. Chlorofluorocarbons
  3. Carbon fluoride cloride
  4. Clorine fluoride carbon
MCQ 29:

Acid rain' has a substantial effects on;

  1. Oceans
  2. Lakes
  3. Ponds
  4. animals
MCQ 30:

MeHg' stands for;

  1. Methyl methane
  2. Methane mercury
  3. Methyl mercury
  4. Mercury methane

Marine Pollution Exam Prep Tests

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