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Global Warming Practice Test 12

Biomass as Fuel Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 12

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Biomass as Fuel MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 12

MCQ 56:

What alternatives can be used to reduce fuelwood demand ?

  1. Ethane formation
  2. Methane from Sewage
  3. Wood materials
  4. overcome desertification
MCQ 57:

UNCCD' stands for;

  1. United Nations Climate to Combat Desertification
  2. United Nations Convention to Combat Deforestation
  3. United Nations Convention to Cause Desertification
  4. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
MCQ 58:

PIU' stands for;

  1. Power Invention Unit
  2. Pollution Invention Unit
  3. Pollution Innovation Unit
  4. Policy Innovation Unit
MCQ 59:

In climate sensitivity, average temperature rise under doubled carbon dioxide

  1. Concentration In the atmosphere
  2. Concentration In Biosphere
  3. Concentration In Stratosphere
  4. Concentration In Troposhere
MCQ 60:

In the troposhere, the temperature changes with altitude; the resulting rate is known as:

  1. Stability rate
  2. Lapse rate
  3. Inversation rate
  4. Retention rate

Global Warming Exam Prep Tests

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Biomass as Fuel App (Android & iOS)

Biomass as Fuel App (Android & iOS)

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