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Environmental Science Practice Test 19

Water Pollution Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 19

The Water Pollution Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Water Pollution Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-19 to solve Environmental Science Practice Tests. Learn Environmental Pollution MCQ Questions PDF, Water Pollution Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn online bachelor degree courses. The Water Pollution Trivia App Download: Free learning app for solid waste management, biosphere, multidisciplinary nature of environmental science, air pollution, water pollution test prep for online university courses.

The Quiz: The 'fixed' solids represents; "Water Pollution" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Colloidal Solids; Inorganic Solids; Suspended solids; Settatleable solids; for online university courses. Study Environmental Pollution Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for two year degree programs.

Water Pollution Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 19

MCQ 91:

The 'fixed' solids represents

  1. Inorganic Solids
  2. Colloidal Solids
  3. Suspended solids
  4. Settatleable solids
MCQ 92:

What pollutants causes in the plants ?

  1. Diversity
  2. Growth
  3. degradation
  4. All of above
MCQ 93:

What happens when human population is exceeded ?

  1. Death
  2. Famine
  3. Exploitation of resources
  4. Natural disaster
MCQ 94:

What is the energy input in the man subsidized solar powered ecosystem?

  1. 10,000 to 50,000 kcal/m2 per year
  2. 3,000 to 40,000 kcal/m2 per year
  3. 30,000 to 40,000 kcal/m2 per year
  4. 10,000 to 40,000kcal/m2 per year
MCQ 95:

Trenches' are also used for

  1. Incineration
  2. Landfilling
  3. Compositing
  4. Pulverization

Environmental Science Exam Prep Tests

Water Pollution Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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