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Environmental Science Certification Exam Tests

Environmental Science Practice Test 24

Air Pollution Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 24

The Air Pollution MCQ with Answers PDF (Air Pollution Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-24 to prepare Environmental Science Practice Tests. Learn Environmental Pollution Test PDF, Air Pollution Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online masters programs. The Air Pollution MCQ App Download: Free certification app for air pollution test prep for bachelor degree online.

The MCQ: The proportion of CO consumption consists of basic components; "Air Pollution" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: The stomata; The leaf boundary layer; Radiation exchange; for online masters programs. Practice Environmental Pollution Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online schools that offer certificate programs.

Air Pollution MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 24

MCQ 116:

The proportion of CO consumption consists of basic components:

  1. The leaf boundary layer
  2. The stomata
  3. Radiation exchange
  4. All of Above
MCQ 117:

The variety of life forms, expressed as a number of species in an area, known as

  1. Biodiversity
  2. Ecological Diversity
  3. Ecosystem
  4. All of Above
MCQ 118:

The affinity of hemoglobin for CO is two hundred times more considerable than

  1. O2
  2. CO2
  3. Sox
  4. Nox
MCQ 119:

The major source of emissions in a motor vehicle: crackcase, carburettors, fuel tank and

  1. Crackcase
  2. Fuel tank
  3. The engine exhaust
  4. All of above
MCQ 120:

'Ozone' in the stratosphere absorbs the harmful

  1. Dust particles
  2. Radiations
  3. Fumes
  4. Air Pollutants

Environmental Science Exam Prep Tests

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