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General Zoology Certification Exam Tests

General Zoology Practice Test 12

Embryonic Development Cleavage and Egg Types Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 12

The Embryonic Development Cleavage and Egg Types MCQ with Answers PDF (Embryonic Development Cleavage and Egg Types Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 9-12 to prepare General Zoology Practice Tests. Learn Embryology Test PDF, Embryonic Development Cleavage and Egg Types Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for bachelor degree online in 2 years. The Embryonic Development, Cleavage and Egg Types MCQ App Download: Free certification app for invertebrates nervous system, classification of animals, what is energy, meiosis: basis of sexual reproduction, embryonic development, cleavage and egg types test prep for online bachelor degree programs.

The MCQ Quiz: Respiratory tract lining and gut tract lining develops from; "Embryonic Development Cleavage and Egg Types" App (Play Store & App Store) with answers: Mesoderm; Ectoderm; Endoderm; Mesenchyme; for bachelor degree online in 2 years. Practice Embryology Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for best online universities.

Embryonic Development Cleavage and Egg Types MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 12

MCQ 56:

Respiratory tract lining and gut tract lining develops from

  1. ectoderm
  2. mesoderm
  3. endoderm
  4. mesenchyme
MCQ 57:

When female gametes unite with male gametes during fertilization they form a single cell called

  1. egg
  2. sperm
  3. infant
  4. zygote
MCQ 58:

A substance that speeds up the chemical reaction, known as

  1. product
  2. reactant
  3. catalyst
  4. intermediate products
MCQ 59:

In binomial nomenclature the first part of the name indicates

  1. species name
  2. genus
  3. ancestral name
  4. descendent name
MCQ 60:

The nervous system in the flatworm composed of

  1. ganglia
  2. nerve net
  3. myofibrils
  4. motor nerves

General Zoology Exam Prep Tests

Embryonic Development Cleavage and Egg Types Textbook App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Embryonic Development Cleavage and Egg Types App (Android & iOS)

Embryonic Development Cleavage and Egg Types App (Android & iOS)

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