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Biochemistry Practice Test 76

General characteristic Classification and Distribution of Proteins Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 76

The General characteristic Classification and Distribution of Proteins MCQ with Answers PDF (General characteristic Classification and Distribution of Proteins Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 6-76 to prepare Biochemistry Practice Tests. Learn Proteins and Amino Acids Test PDF, General characteristic Classification and Distribution of Proteins Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for distance learning programs. The General characteristic, Classification and Distribution of Proteins MCQ App Download: Free certification app for general characteristics and functions of carbohydrates, general characteristic, classification and distribution of proteins test prep to study distance learning courses.

The MCQ Quiz: The 'prosthetic' group is colored in nature i.e. cytochromes and hemoglobin, named as; "General characteristic Classification and Distribution of Proteins" App (Play Store & App Store) with answers: Chromoprotein; Phosphoprotein; Storage protein; Protein fibers; for distance learning programs. Practice Proteins and Amino Acids Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for colleges and universities exams.

General characteristic Classification and Distribution of Proteins MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 76

MCQ 376:

The 'prosthetic' group is colored in nature i.e. cytochromes and hemoglobin, named as:

  1. Phosphoprotein
  2. Chromoprotein
  3. Storage protein
  4. Protein fibers
MCQ 377:

Histone' are strongly;

  1. Acidic protein
  2. Basic proteins
  3. Neutral proteins
  4. Positively charged amino acid
MCQ 378:

The stored form of carbs in animal is known as:

  1. Sugar
  2. Cellulose
  3. Glycogen
  4. Amylose
MCQ 379:

The general formula for glucose is:

  1. C⊂2H⊂12O⊂6
  2. C⊂6H⊂12O⊂6
  3. C⊂6H⊂12O⊂12
  4. C⊂2H⊂12O⊂12
MCQ 380:

The basic difference between animals and plants cell, due to the presence of rigid:

  1. Cell membrane
  2. Cell wall in plants
  3. Cytoplasm
  4. Nucleus

Biochemistry Exam Prep Tests

General characteristic Classification and Distribution of Proteins Textbook App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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General characteristic Classification and Distribution of Proteins App (Android & iOS)

General characteristic Classification and Distribution of Proteins App (Android & iOS)

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Biochemistry App (iOS & Android)

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