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Biochemistry Online Tests

Enzymes Structure, Nomenclature and Classification Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The e-Book Enzymes Structure, Nomenclature and Classification Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, Enzymes Structure, Nomenclature and Classification MCQ PDF download to learn free biochemistry online courses. Study Enzymes Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Enzymes Structure, Nomenclature and Classification quiz answers PDF to learn online master degree courses. The Enzymes Structure, Nomenclature and Classification MCQ App Download: Free learning app for enzyme inhibition, specificity, co-enzymes and mechanisms of action, enzymes: structure, nomenclature and classification test prep for bachelor degree online in 2 years.

The MCQ: Word 'catalysis' was coined in:; "Enzymes: Structure, Nomenclature and Classification" App Download (Free) with answers 1832, 1836, 1891 and 1881 to learn online master degree courses. Practice enzymes structure, nomenclature and classification quiz questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for free online classes.

Enzymes Structure, Nomenclature and Classification MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The word 'catalysis' was coined in:

A) 1832
B) 1836
C) 1891
D) 1881

MCQ 2: A substance that increases the rate of chemical reaction, without having itself undergoes any change, called as:

A) Catalyst
B) Facilitator
C) Mediator
D) Penetrator

MCQ 3: Biocatalysts' that are synthesized by the living organisms are called:

A) Catalyst
B) Mediator
C) Enzymes
D) Lipids

MCQ 4: The transfer of the functional group is catalysed by the enzyme, known as:

A) Transferases
B) Isomerases
C) Ligases
D) Rickets

MCQ 5: The identification, crystallization and isolation of the enzyme urease from jack bean was done by;

A) Emil Fisher
B) Kuhne
C) James Summer
D) Ruther jhon

Biochemistry Practice Tests

Enzymes: Structure, Nomenclature and Classification Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Enzymes: Structure, Nomenclature and Classification App (Android & iOS)

Enzymes: Structure, Nomenclature and Classification App (Android & iOS)

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