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Enzymes: Structure Nomenclature and Classification Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 92

The Enzymes Structure Nomenclature and Classification MCQ with Answers PDF (Enzymes Structure Nomenclature and Classification Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-92 to prepare Biochemistry Practice Tests. Learn Enzymes Test PDF, Enzymes Structure Nomenclature and Classification Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for colleges that offer online degrees. The Enzymes: Structure, Nomenclature and Classification MCQ App Download: Free certification app for general characteristics and functions of carbohydrates, enzyme inhibition, specificity, co-enzymes and mechanisms of action, pyridoxine: chemistry, functions and disorders, vitamin d: chemistry, functions and disorders, enzymes: structure, nomenclature and classification test prep for biochemistry undergraduate programs.

The MCQ: The enzyme, functioning at the location in the body and synthesized, known as; "Enzymes: Structure Nomenclature and Classification" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Intracellular enzymes; Extracellular enzymes; Hydrolases; Ligases enzymes; for colleges that offer online degrees. Practice Enzymes Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for colleges and universities exams.

Enzymes: Structure Nomenclature and Classification MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 92

MCQ 456:

The enzyme, functioning at the location in the body and synthesized, known as:

  1. Extracellular enzymes
  2. Intracellular enzymes
  3. Hydrolases
  4. Ligases enzymes
MCQ 457:

The target organs for the calcitriol, included;

  1. Intestine
  2. Bones
  3. Kidney
  4. All of above
MCQ 458:

In transamination, the conversion of amino acids, catalysed by the enzyme, named as:

  1. Transferase
  2. Transaminase
  3. Ligase
  4. Hydrolase
MCQ 459:

The enzyme that is used to remove blood clots is called:

  1. Urokinase
  2. Papain
  3. Uricase
  4. Isomerases
MCQ 460:

The literal meaning of the carbohydrates is:

  1. Carbon containing
  2. Hydrogen containing
  3. Hydated carbon
  4. Hydro carbon

Biochemistry Exam Prep Tests

Enzymes Structure Nomenclature and Classification Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Enzymes Structure Nomenclature and Classification App (Android & iOS)

Enzymes Structure Nomenclature and Classification App (Android & iOS)

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