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IGCSE O Level Physics Practice Tests

IGCSE O Level Physics Online Tests

Centre of Gravity and Stability MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Centre of Gravity and Stability Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Centre of Gravity and Stability MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice IGCSE O Level Physics Tests. Study Turning Effects of Forces Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Centre of Gravity and Stability quiz answers PDF for online certificate programs. The Centre of Gravity and Stability MCQ App Download: Free learning app for turning effects of forces conclusion, moments, stability, principle of moment test prep for colleges that offer certificate programs.

The MCQ: There are three kinds of equilibrium, which of the following is the odd one out; "Centre of Gravity and Stability" App Download (Free) with answers: Stable equilibrium; Metastable equilibrium; Unstable equilibrium; Neutral equilibrium; for online certificate programs. Practice Centre of Gravity and Stability Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for ACT test.

Centre of Gravity and Stability MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

If we suspend the lamina at different positions, its center of gravity will still lie along the

  1. plumb line
  2. line of force
  3. line of weight
  4. gravity line
MCQ 2:

There are three kinds of equilibrium, which of the following is the odd one out?

  1. Stable equilibrium
  2. Metastable equilibrium
  3. Unstable equilibrium
  4. Neutral equilibrium
MCQ 3:

If you place the pivot at the center of a meter rule, weight has no

  1. property
  2. concern
  3. turning effect
  4. magnitude
MCQ 4:

Statement related to center of gravity that is incorrect is

  1. The center of gravity of an object is defined as the point through which its whole weight appears to act.
  2. The center of gravity is sometimes confused with the center of mass.
  3. The center of gravity always lies inside the object.
  4. For an object placed in a uniform gravitational field, the center of gravity coincides with the center of mass.

IGCSE O Level Physics Practice Tests

Centre of Gravity and Stability Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Centre of Gravity and Stability App (Android & iOS)

Centre of Gravity and Stability App (Android & iOS)

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