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Environmental Management Practice Test 294

Fossil Fuels and Energy MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 294

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Fossil Fuels and Energy MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 294

MCQ 1466:

Persistent rain day and torrential downpour, causes an increase in

  1. Surface run-off
  2. Mountain run-off
  3. Rain
  4. Precipitation
MCQ 1467:

Which two nutrients speed up the natural process of eutrophication?

  1. Nitrates & Phosphates
  2. Nitrates & Calcium
  3. Phosphorous & Lead
  4. All of them
MCQ 1468:

Which climatic conditions make mining difficult and expensive?

  1. Hot desert and cold polar lands
  2. Coastal areas
  3. Tropical areas
  4. Indus regions
MCQ 1469:

What is the impact of deforestation on soils?

  1. Increase soil erosion & leaching
  2. Decrease soil erosion & leaching
  3. Increase rainfall and co2
  4. decrease temperature
MCQ 1470:

Which conference focused on the climate change and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions of 5% in 2010?

  1. Earth Summit in Rio
  2. Montreal Protocol
  3. Kyoto Protocol
  4. Environmental protocol

Environmental Management Exam Prep Tests

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