O Level Courses

Chapter 1: Environmental Management Exam Tests

Environmental Management MCQs - Chapter 1

Atmosphere and Composition Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Atmosphere and Composition Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Atmosphere and Composition MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 1-1 to study Environmental Management Course. Practice Atmosphere: Structure Composition and Energy Source MCQs, Atmosphere and Composition trivia questions and answers PDF to learn free online courses. The Atmosphere and Composition MCQs App Download: Free learning app for career test to learn online courses.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ): What are the causes of carbobdioxide in the atmosphere; "Atmosphere and Composition" App Download (Free) with answers: Emission of GHGs from vehicals; Due to industrilization; Burning fossil fuel & Wood/Deforestation; to learn free online courses. Solve Alternative Energy Resources Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online schools that offer certificate programs.

Atmosphere and Composition MCQs with Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

What are the causes of carbobdioxide in the atmosphere?

  1. Due to industrilization
  2. Emission of GHGs from vehicals
  3. Burning fossil fuel & Wood/Deforestation
  4. All of them
MCQ 2:

How much percent of carbon dioxide is present in the atmosphere?

  1. 0.05%
  2. 0.09%
  3. 0.03%
  4. 0.07%
MCQ 3:

Where the sun's rays reach on the surface on earth oblique angle?

  1. Tropics
  2. Equator
  3. Poles
  4. All of them
MCQ 4:

The air is dry in

  1. Troposphere
  2. Stratosphere
  3. Thermosphere
  4. Ionosphere
MCQ 5:

The atmosphere pressure decreases with

  1. Length
  2. Width
  3. Height
  4. All of them

Atmosphere and Composition Learning App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

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Atmosphere and Composition App (Android & iOS)

Atmosphere and Composition App (Android & iOS)

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