O Level Courses

Chapter 3: IGCSE O Level Biology Exam Tests

IGCSE O Level Biology MCQs - Chapter 3

Co-ordination and Response: Hormones and Endocrine Glands Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 3

The Co-ordination and Response Hormones and Endocrine Glands Trivia Questios and Answers PDF (Co-ordination and Response Hormones and Endocrine Glands Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-3 to study IGCSE O Level Biology Course. Solve Hormones: Endocrine Glands MCQs, Co-ordination and Response Hormones and Endocrine Glands quiz answers PDF to learn online GCSE courses. The Co-ordination and Response Hormones and Endocrine Glands Trivia App Download: Free educational app for career test for online college classes.

The Quiz: According to classification of glands, Salivary gland is a;; "Co-ordination and Response Hormones and Endocrine Glands" App APK Download (Free) with answers: Exocrine gland; Endocrine gland; Ectocrine glands; Hypocrine glands; for ACT subject test tutoring. Practice Learning Biology Quiz Questions, download Kindle eBook (Free Sample) to learn online GCSE courses.

Co-ordination & Response Hormones & Endocrine Glands Test Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 3

MCQ 11:

According to classification of glands, Salivary gland is a

  1. endocrine gland
  2. exocrine gland
  3. ectocrine glands
  4. hypocrine glands
MCQ 12:

Which is right statement in context to production of ketones (R-(C=O)-R)

  1. may result in death
  2. is due to fat oxidation instead of glucose
  3. is due to sugar reduction instead of fats
  4. all of above
MCQ 13:

Effects of adrenaline on body are

  1. short-lived
  2. long-term
  3. involuntary
  4. sudden
MCQ 14:

Primary sexual characteristic in males include

  1. deepening of voice
  2. growth of facial and pubic hair
  3. maturation of sex organs
  4. immaturation of sex organ
MCQ 15:

Sweat gland is an example of

  1. endocrine gland
  2. exocrine gland
  3. ectocrine glands
  4. hypocrine glands

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Co-ordination & Response Hormones & Endocrine Glands App (Android & iOS)

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