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What is Locus MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The What is Locus Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (What is Locus MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice MCAT Biology Tests. Learn Mendelian Concepts Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), What is Locus quiz answers PDF to learn certification courses online. The What is Locus MCQ App Download: Free learning app for what is locus, homozygosity and heterozygosity, mcat: complete dominance, incomplete dominance, leakage, penetrance and expressivity test prep for online college admission.

The MCQ: Humans estimated haploid protein coding genes are in range; "What is Locus" App Download (Free) with answers: 30,000-40,000; 40,000-50,000; 20,000-25,000; 10,000-15,000; to learn certification courses online. Practice What is Locus Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for MCAT online course.

What is Locus MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Homozygous chromosomes include

  1. diploid cells
  2. Polyploid cells
  3. both A and B
  4. haploid cells
MCQ 2:

Humans estimated haploid protein coding genes are in range

  1. 30,000-40,000
  2. 40,000-50,000
  3. 20,000-25,000
  4. 10,000-15,000
MCQ 3:

The ordered list of loci known for a particular genome is called

  1. gene map
  2. loci
  3. alleles
  4. chromosomes
MCQ 4:

The process of determining the locus of a gene and the distances between genes is called

  1. replication
  2. recombination
  3. gene mapping
  4. Transcription
MCQ 5:

Chromosomes that have different alleles of a given gene at locus is called

  1. homozygous
  2. heterozygous
  3. X chromosomes
  4. Y chromosomes

MCAT Biology Practice Tests

What is Locus Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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What is Locus App (Android & iOS)

What is Locus App (Android & iOS)

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